Friday, September 24, 2010

to make a difference...

It is always awe inspiring to watch stories about people who make a difference. I see these stories on the tv, hear about them from friends, and occasionally go to an event that is held for that one special person that means so much to many...

Last night, I got to be that special person - and it brought two hours of pure joy to my life. John and I headed out to our Special Olympics soccer practice as normal last night - I was ready to watch him coach his team for an hour and then head to Wendy's for our traditional meal after practice. But when we arrived, the athletes and families were setting up for a picnic dinner!! I was completely confused and kept asking what was going on -- but only got the answer... "It's a surprise."

Pretty soon, we were all seated and one of our athletes, who had just been inducted as a global messenger for Special Olympics, stood up and gave the most wonderful speech! He brought everyone in the place to tears as he recounted the first day I met him at his workplace and asked him to play basketball for Special Olympics... He went on to tell about how this organization has changed his life.

As I sat there, I looked around and saw the Special Olympic athletes that had become a family. One of the athletes said that it kind of feels like a club he gets to go to where everyone is his friend and everyone accepts him. I see the changes these last four years have brought in not only all of the athletes, but also their families who have people to rely on and bond with - who have others who understand their fight as a family with a member who has special needs.

I love them -- I love them all because they have become part of my family too. It is funny that I see it as a place where I am happy and accepted too -- I can just sit and feel that pure innocence and love of everyone that surrounds me when I am with my Special Olympics family.

Through his speech, the athlete told me how much of a difference I have made to Caldwell County and the families involved in Special Olympics. But really -- they have made a difference in me. I will never forget my years in charge of Special Olympics Caldwell County. I will never forget the day I said. "Sure, I will take over as local coordinator." I will never forget how many hours of work and prayer I put into our county to build up the sports. But - more importantly - I will NEVER forget this family.

If you have never been involved in this organization - try it - because it can change your life.

Thank you Caldwell County Special Olympic athletes and families for making all the difference in my life... you are cherished.

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